Fishing licenses twelve miles off the British coast finally became

The United Kingdom has now granted licenses to Belgian fishermen to fish in an area twelve miles off the British coast. This was reported by Flemish Fisheries Minister Hilde Krevets (CD&V).

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At the end of last year, the United Kingdom and the European Union signed the Brexit agreement. Fisheries were an important part of this. The interests of our fishing fleet are great. About half of our fish products come from British waters. Access to this water is guaranteed for a period of 5.5 years. However, after the agreement, we had to wait for licenses to be able to effectively fish a dozen miles off the British coast. But that is now resolved: The UK has granted 17 licenses to our fishermen who fish in a twelve-mile zone. “Good news for our fishermen,” says Minister Krivitz. “The United Kingdom has now granted nearly all fishing licenses. In a twelve-mile zone. Access to that area is an important part of the Brexit agreement. From now on, fishermen who go to sea with smaller vessels will be able to fish near the British coast.” We have repeatedly urged this licenses issue in recent weeks. This historic access is very important to these Flemish hunters. ” (Hh)

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Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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