Flor Lansbach and Helen de Haynes new NOS reporters London and Rome

The new reporters for NOS in the United Kingdom and Italy, respectively, will be Flor Lansbach and Helen de Haynes. Lansback Tim de Witt (London) and Mustafa Markadi win in D’Haines Rome.

“With Fleur and Helen, we again have two young, but very talented reporters,” says Marcel Keloff, editor-in-chief of NOS News. According to Keloff, in places in London and Rome, they can bring the two “humorous European capitals even closer to their own culture, on all platforms of NOS”.

Lanceback, 31, already backed current NOS reporter Tim de Witt in the UK last year. He has been working in London for two years now as a freelancer for news channels including Al Jazeera English and NBC News. For the KRO-NCRV series After the blow Produced by Lansback Documentary on the Greenfell Tower fire.

His reporter will start in July. He looks forward to reporting that “a post-Brexit country is rediscovering itself.”

‘Important Reporter’

Helene de Haynes (28) started NOS six years ago. In recent years, as a member of the Overseas Editorial Board, he has produced materials for the NOS Journal, worked with reporters on reports, and wrote articles for the NOS site. In recent years, he has also produced youth documentaries on the rights of children in Eastern Europe and Africa for the EO series. Human rights.

He recently traveled to the United States for the presidential election and was in Lesvos when the Moria refugee camp burned down.

D’Haines, who begins in Rome in August, said, “As a journalist you notice how important your story takes place. He is looking forward to a wonderful reporter.” Makes it important and enjoyable. “

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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