FloraHolland refers gardeners to the Brexit Amendment Reserve

The agriculture and horticulture sector is being hit above average by Brexit, FloraHolland reports. So the auction is signaling to entrepreneurs that they can claim the Brexit Amendment Reserve (BAR).

BAR is a European scheme that financially compensates entrepreneurs if they are disadvantaged as a result of the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union. The Dutch Enterprise Agency (RVO) implements BAR on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate. 32 million euros is available for this purpose. The program has been open since February, but many entrepreneurs are not aware of it.

RVO investigated the sectors most affected by Brexit in the Netherlands. At the top are arable agriculture and horticulture, followed by food industries and producers of electrical equipment and machinery. According to FloraHolland, Brexit will have dire consequences for businesses in Greenports. These consequences are not so much related to turnover, but companies have to deal with additional customs checks and certifications.

proper support

Affected entrepreneurs can access the support program if they prove that they were doing business with the UK prior to January 31, 2020 and that they experienced business disruption as a result of Brexit. The RVO indicates that it considers it important that the services provided are relevant and have an impact.

RVO staff enters discussions with participants to determine what they need. Based on this, they develop the appropriate support. BAR will run until the end of 2023. You can register via the RVO . website.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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