Former MP Vedelaar has been nominated for the post of Director of GGD

Former MP Neliki Videlar should become the new Director of Public Health at GGD Drenthe. She has been nominated to succeed interim director Ferdinand Strijtgen. Only the GGD General Council still has to vote on this matter.

Videlar was a PvdA deputy in Drenthe between 2021 and 2023. Before that, she was president of this party for four years. She is delighted with the nomination: “I am very much looking forward to working with the people of GGD and making a meaningful contribution to the health and thus broad prosperity of Drenthe.”

The Executive Board of GGD Drenthe is satisfied with the selection of Vedelaar. Raymond Wanders, President of GGD Drenthe and Municipal Councilor of Emmen: “There is still a lot of work to be done in the field of health promotion in Drenthe. A lot of work is being done in the transition from care to health and GGD is an important partner and advisor in this. That’s why I’m thrilled we’ve found a good candidate in Neliki for Director of Public Health. I am convinced that with her extensive experience she can make a valuable contribution to the organization, moving from care to health and to further develop a healthy and vibrant future for all residents of Drenthe and we look forward to the cooperation.”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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