From rally to rugby to korfball, the sporting showdown with Pedro and Wesley in the Container Cup | New TV season

TVLast year one sporting event after another was called off, but now there is light at the end of the tunnel and sports fans can start looking forward to the Olympics, the European Football Championship and the role of France. After the huge success of last year, Pedro Elias (46) and Wesley Sonic (42) started the Container Cup again. The suspension duo will welcome 30 top athletes and 8 famous Flemish people into their container this season.

They push them to the limit during the unique heptathlon and provide the necessary frame. This time the athletes come from very different sports disciplines such as breaking, horse riding, snooker, rally, squash, basketball, curlball, cycling and athletics. But they exceptionally start on Easter Sunday with a special. Literal. Special Olympics athletes Quentin Bruinincks (gymnastics) and Jill Dupont (basketball) compete against each other.

The concept has not changed

The concept of the “Container Cup” has not changed: eminent athletes and famous Flemish people give their best while kayaking, running, archery, golf, cycling, weightlifting and monkey bars. And they all do it in a metal bowl measuring 12 by 2.2 meters. They only get one task: hit each part as fast and as hard as they can to set the best time over the course of the entire course. Last year, cyclist Matthew van der Poel won the men’s race. Sprinter Hanne Claes was the strongest of the women.

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bv fight

Every Thursday, two BV players compete against each other in a sports duel. For example, the crown princes of two real-life families face each other, two heavy political figures face their differences in the container, two Flanders voices make their voices heard, two Olympic champions compete for gold in the container cup: Victor Verholst vs. Francesco Blankart, Bart de Wever vs. George Louis Buches, Helmut Lottie vs. Natalia and Tia Hellepot vs. Kim Gevert.

“The Container Cup” starts Monday, April 5th on Play4 at 7:50 PM. On Easter, Special Olympics Athletes, along with Quentin Bruincks and Jill Dupont, will be on Play4 at 9.15pm.

Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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