Frustration mounts in North America: Canada-US border closure extended once again to Obino

US President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Photo: Kevin Lamarck/Paul via AP/Isopix.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Friday that the Canada-US border will remain partially closed until July 21. Business executives and tourists from both countries are now confused. The borders were closed in March 2020 and have never been fully opened.

Why is this important?

The border between the United States and Canada is the longest in the world with a length of 8,891 kilometers. It is also the longest unguarded border between two countries. The economies of both countries are highly intertwined, so the prolonged closure of the borders creates a whole host of problems.

In the news: Canada announced Friday that its borders will remain closed until July 21 to Americans who move for non-essential reasons.

  • The borders are already closed Since March 20, 2020 In response to the Covid-19 outbreak in the United States.
  • Measures were reviewed by Canada every 30 days and extended each time.
  • On May 20, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the closure of borders Definitely until June 21 will continue.
  • On Friday, Trudeau announced that the borders would have to be closed for another month. The measures will be reviewed around July 21.

Frustrations persist on: The economies of the two North American nations are deeply intertwined.

  • Goods still cross borders, but the services sector and tourism in particular have long suffered from these measures.
  • Policy makers and businessmen on both sides are angry with the Canadian government. He is accused of “putting politics over science.”
  • In the United States, at least 45.2 percent of all American adults have been vaccinated.
  • “This shutdown (of the editor) is out of step with the science and very bad for the economy,” said New York State Republican Chris Jacobs.
  • “We must immediately open borders for vaccinated travelers,” said Harley Finkelstein, CEO of Canadian e-commerce giant Shopify.
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The Big Picture: On Friday, the European Council decided to readmit travelers from 14 countries, including the United States. When will Canada welcome Americans again?

  • According to Trudeau, the Canadian border will remain closed until at least 75 percent of the population has received at least one shot and 20 percent are fully vaccinated.
  • At the moment, the counters of these two groups are 65 and 17 percent, respectively.
  • So it is very likely that the world’s longest border will reopen at the end of July.

Read also:

Source: BusinessAM

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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