Gentle prevention; A positive boost to staying healthy

Is prevention fun?
Anything that looks cute, yummy, and cute isn’t healthy. Think about food: sugar, salt, fat, alcohol. Or anything that makes life healthier is upsetting. Think about exercising: spending (free) time, sweating, and muscle aches.
Many people are already on the right track, but others need a little push. A ’cause’ or sometimes just an app with which you can set goals. So a big stick in the door.

“If you check your car regularly, the repairs will be straightforward, predictable and moderated. If you do nothing and your car breaks down, you can be assured that the costs will not be easy.” Bob de Witt says in our conversation. You can be that simple.

It is also the turn of the Council of Ministers
to me Message from RTL NieuwsThe government has to intervene, it has to find different health organizations. Reducing (excess) consumption of unhealthy nutrients such as sugar, salt and fats. If not, they warn, two-thirds of the population could be overweight by 2040. But what do you do?

Practical examples: Exercise
What can you and I do? Smarter use of available resources. Very practical ways to move around, for example:

If we want to act preventively, so “prevention is better than cure”, then we have to start with ourselves. We as human beings, as parents, as consumers; We no longer look at governments, healthcare, and insurance companies telling us that we have to maintain our health, but rather take steps ourselves. Literally and figuratively.

Do you have good, fun, and great prevention tips? Comment at the top of the article (“Comments”) and motivate others.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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