GGD GHOR’s response to the Cabinet Decision

GGDs understand the pressure to open secondary and higher education to students, in the interest of student well-being and quality of education. However, the GGDOpening too early indicates a risk of an increase in the number of infections associated with such opening earlier than outbreak management team (Because), i.e. on September 19, 2021.

Only then everyone had the opportunity to fully vaccinate, including the two-week period of building immunity. Andre Rovoet, President of GGD GHOR The Netherlands: “We believe, along with OMT, that vigilance is still required in the coming weeks if we are to be able to continue relaxation in a responsible manner.”

GGD data indicates that not everyone – young and old – was vaccinated on August 30, 2021. Currently, nearly two million people are not vaccinated. They are not immune to the virus and are therefore at risk of infection. In addition, vacationers returning at the end of August, can also bring infection. The risk of disease outbreaks within education is real, and these outbreaks can in turn lead to a risk of contamination outside of education.

(Bron VNG – 2021)

André Rovoet is the President of GGD GHOR Nederland, the Association for Public Health and Safety in the Netherlands. Since July 1, 2020, Rovoet has been President of the umbrella organization Zorgverzekeraars Nederland (ZN) from February 1, 2012 to February 1, 2020. He previously served as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Youth and Family, Minister of Education, Culture and Science and Leader of the Christian Union.

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In addition, there is a danger that, under the influence of abandoning the 1.5-meter scale in education, society will begin to feel that the 1.5-meter scale can also be abandoned elsewhere. “We still had the very quick relaxing experience of the end of June (Dancing with Jansen) sharply in our minds,” – said Rovoet.

Now that secondary and higher education has begun to open, the two scholarships appeal to each other to ensure that we all comply with the measures still in place. Rovoet: We specifically ask education officials to address their pupils/students to continue to adhere to the 1.5m scale outside educational institutions. But not only young people; Adherence to procedures is the collective responsibility of society as a whole.

GGDs are poised to increase the number of infections, among other things by having sufficient source and investigation of contacts (BCO) capabilities. GGDs are also attractive – especially for young people – to download the GGD Contact app. With this application, they have a role in the BCO: in the event of a positive infection, a person can quickly inform all his/her contacts.

GGD GHOR Nederland is a public health and safety advocate in the Netherlands. As the overarching sub-organization of 25 municipal health services (GGDs) and district medical relief organizations (GHOR), we work with our members and to promote public health and safety in the Netherlands. To this end, we combine the strengths of our members with 12,000 professionals. We are also the link with knowledge institutes, ministries and other important partners.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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