Global turmoil over Apple could cause a ‘fierce battle’

Experts predict a “brutal battle” between Apple and lawmakers around the world. This is because of the way the company handles privacy. The iPhone maker will exaggerate its claims about privacy and security in order to make money from it. It will also lock users into a closed system.

I found it last week Data, Technology and Analytics Conference 2022event location. This is regulated by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the UK Consumer and Markets Authority. As Apple representative, Jane Horvath, Chief Privacy Officer, attended the conference.

Apple under fire

Horvath discussed the importance of privacy and how this is a “cross-functional purpose” within the company. The healthand Apple Watch and Application tracking transparencyAll this passed. The head of privacy also answered questions about Apple’s use of privacy as a form of protection for itself.

So said Professor Dr. Damien Gerardin commented that the company uses issues such as privacy and security as a way to “justify the status quo”. It also allows the company to “resist legislative interference, even when necessary.” This is also a reference to a recent study.

exaggerated statement

The professor, who works at Tilburg University, says the company has a right to protect the quality of its platform. But at the same time, lawmakers must be able to distinguish between claims made by companies. Exaggerated claims about privacy and security should be checked.

Jeradine expects tensions between big tech companies and governments to increase sharply in the coming years, as many lawmakers introduce rules and guidelines that make it more difficult for such companies. The professor does not expect this to result in a cordial relationship between legislators and companies.

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Apple has come under fire in recent years anyway. For example, investigations into the company’s claims and platforms are still ongoing in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, and the European Union. Within those studies, the App Store, applications can sideload and interoperability is discussed.

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Global turmoil over Apple could cause a ‘fierce battle’

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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