Greta Thunberg campaigns solely for the Swedish Embassy in Brussels

“We heard that Greta Thunberg was in the area and she left immediately,” said two environmental activists who live in Brussels. “Unfortunately we just missed her. To us she is a very inspiring person, we loved talking to her.”

Thunberg says on Twitter that she wanted Swedish forest policy to be credited for her work. “It has proven disastrous for the climate, the environment, indigenous people and their human rights. We cannot allow the Swedish government to influence EU forest policy more.”

In Sweden, many environmental groups are concerned about the conservative government, which will not make climate a priority. Because of this, Thunberg sued her hometown with the Aurora Collective, which includes 600 climate activists, at the end of last year. In March of this year, a Swedish court gave them the go-ahead to start a lawsuit.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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