“Health is our most precious asset.”

Photo: Jeroen Mosen Photography / Shutterstock.com

The HagueFleur Agima, the new Minister of Health, Social Welfare and Sport, demonstrated on her first day in office that she has an impressive knowledge of the file. She made a deep impression with her statement that “health is our most precious asset”.

Agema (PVV) had just been appointed Minister of Health, when she immediately hit the nail on the head with a crushing statement.

“Health is our most precious asset. Every Dutch person should have access to good care, and at reasonable prices,” wrote Minister Agma. Agma made a deep impression on politics in The Hague with this. Original message.

“These words show that Agima is an insider in the field of public health,” says political analyst Fons Kneilen. “It is tempting, of course, to fall into empty, meaningless clichés on your first day as a minister, but that is not how we know Agima. Agima has carefully prepared herself for her new role in recent weeks and then came out with the refreshing words ‘Health is our most precious asset’. You just have to come up with it. Such a statement is concise and concrete, but surprisingly original. It testifies to a real ingenuity that we have not seen before in her predecessors.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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