Health screening at Nieuwe Veste: here's what you can expect | Breda today

via: Michel Clasens


Breda – Positive Lifestyle Week is in full swing. Various activities were organized today, including health screening. By measuring and weighing, people gain insight into their health during a health screening. In addition, lifestyle coaches provide personal advice on what you can do to improve your lifestyle. I'm testing it.

A small table has been set up in the Nieuwe Veste library where you can go for a medical examination. The place is a bit remote but still feels very public. But lifestyle coach Natalie Sanin does her best to calm visitors.

With a soft, friendly voice, she invites me to sit. First, she first asked me about my health condition. It allows me to talk about things I think I do well and things I think I can improve on. She also explains that the health check is only an estimate. To get an accurate examination of your health condition, you should go to a doctor, who can measure your sugar and cholesterol levels, among other things.

Measurement and weight

For the health check, I will sit on a special scale. After determining your height, this scale can also measure fat percentage, hydration percentage, and muscle mass. You have to take off your shoes and socks for this purpose. The signals are sent through your body to the scale via a tape in my hand. That's why the measurement can't be performed on people with a pacemaker, but otherwise it's completely safe, Natalie explains.

Results and explanation

After the measurement, Natalie calmly told me what was measured and what it meant for my health. An important value is visceral fat, also called belly fat. According to Natalie, these fats carry the greatest risks. Muscle mass, body fat percentage, fluid percentage, and body mass index are also discussed. BMI indicates how healthy your weight is based on your height, but according to Natalie, this isn't very accurate because it assumes an average build and muscle mass. Body fat percentage is a better measure, but at the same time it is highly dependent on your fluid intake. Those who drink too little will have lower hydration and higher body fat on the health screening measure.

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Mentally is just as important

Interestingly, Natalie made no judgment during the process. She only explains the results and emphasizes that she does not say everything. For example, the test says nothing about your mental health. According to her, how you feel is no less important than whether the measurement results fall within healthy values.

Baby steps

Once Natalie explains everything, she asks me what I think of the results and how I can apply this knowledge. She explains that you shouldn't try to change your life strictly, but rather take small steps that you know are achievable. According to her, you don't have to do it alone and you can also seek help from a lifestyle coach.

Wednesday is the last day of Positive Lifestyle Week, and people can also come for a health check-up at Nieuwe Veste between 2:00pm and 5:00pm. In addition, other activities are also organized that afternoon.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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