‘Healthcare should be an integral part of your life’

A personal story that almost completely explains what happens in healthcare, According to Jan Rotmans. “Once I had a serious bike accident. Then suddenly I became sick. I broke everything in my face. I had one operation after the other, and everything was treated professionally. But I got all sorts of specialists on top of me. One of them looked into my mind, another looked into my eyes, And another looked into my jaw. I asked if no one was looking at the whole thing because my face had changed. The answer was “No, you have to do it yourself.” I was helped out quite well technically, but not mentally and spiritually I wasn’t seen as a human being, but As something curable. I was very insecure and scared and cried a lot. Nobody was aware of it, except for the nurses. These were my heroes and my heroines. They saw the emotional suffering and the specialists just wanted to intervene. “

Nature, for example
Jan Rotmans compares nature. According to him, care is currently focused on efficiency and recurrence. If a disturbance occurs, then everything is broken. Nature works differently. It is more resilient, versatile and resistant to crises. “We have lost contact with nature. We have also lost contact with ourselves. As long as we are not connected to ourselves, we cannot create a new society that must be more connected. It is not just about fighting diseases. It is about getting and maintaining better health. People have to be central at once. Other “.

Looking for something better
We are not at the beginning of the change, we are in the middle of it Jan Rotmans says. I have been talking of a silent civilizational uprising for a long time. We can use this crisis as a kind of catalyst to make healthcare truly more human, more beautiful, better, and warmer. ”Rotman feels in society that we are at the beginning of a new era.“ Some want to continue with the old, others with the new and this creates a lot of turmoil and frustration. Then populist and aggressive appear and you name it. In fact, that’s a good sign of that mess. This means that we are looking for something better. And you can see that in health care too. ”Signs of ongoing changes include a reassessment of“ community cement. ”An appreciation for agents, nurses, teachers, and people who do the real work.

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And now …
“We need leaders who are connected. Anyone can be a leader.” Jan Rotmans continues. “Anyone who helps or inspires another person is a leader for me today. We need connectors that connect the old with the new. We have to partially tear down the old. We must connect the good with the new.” Healthcare must once again revolve around people. Not about big healthcare institutions. Prevention places great emphasis on prevention. Preventing people from getting sick. “Health care should be an integral part of your life.” The true power to accomplish this is in everyone, according to Jan. “If we come together and form a fist, it will change in a few years. People don’t realize they have the power to change. Here lies an important part of my job. If we do that now, we will be in the cradle of the care revolution.”

Watch our full interview with Jan Rotmans

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Prevention: disease for

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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