Here’s what we know about Operation Blackstone: Olivier Vandecastel released after 15 months in Iran | Olivier Vancastel released

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Vandecasteele will land in Melsbroek at 9.35pm, Prime Minister De Croo reports. Doctors determined that Vandecasteele, who had lost a lot of weight, was in good health. “Last night, Olivier was flown to Amman, where he was greeted by a team of Belgian soldiers and diplomats. This morning he underwent a number of medical checks to check his health and make sure he can return in the best possible shape,” said De Croo, who shared a photo of Vandecastel just before departure. .

Vandecasteele is replaced by Asadullah Asadi (51). He was sentenced to twenty years in prison because in June 2018 he attempted to commit a bloody attack on a meeting of the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI) in Villepinte, near Paris. The operation was codenamed “Blackstone”. The name of the operation refers to William Blackstone, an 18th-century British jurist who once said that it was better to let ten guilty men go free than to keep one innocent man in prison.

This will be followed by a meeting in Parliament on Saturday, where an explanation will be made about Vandecastel’s release and talks and negotiations between Belgium and Iran.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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