How prepared is Curaçao’s retirement system for a longer life?

WILLEMSTAD – As life expectancy in Curaçao increases, so will the importance of ensuring social security in the future. The Public Pension Fund of Curaçao, the largest pension fund on the island, recently organized a two-day conference to explore sustainable solutions that not only provide financial security, but also meaning and joy in the lives of the island’s increasingly longer residents.

During the conference, and in collaboration with the Special Head of Pension Fund Management at the University of Curaçao, the sustainability of the existing pension systems in the Dutch Caribbean was central.

Traditional retirement systems were designed at a time when people lived much shorter lives than they do now. But life expectancy has risen steadily in recent decades, raising questions about the sustainability of existing pension provisions.


The conference opened with the documentary 100 years of your lifein which professor and director Theo Cocken sheds light on the state of aging savings around the world.

Even in wealthier countries, changing life expectancy is putting pressure on pension systems. The documentary, which contains personal stories of people from different countries and analysis from experts, shows that it is never too late to take action. However, we need to think differently about aging, and the quality of life after retirement and its financing.

During the conference, sustainable solutions were discussed from a local and international perspective. An interesting idea arose to retire less abruptly and combine the energy of young professionals with the experience of older workers.

In addition, the situation in Curaçao, Aruba and Sint Maarten was linked to the international experiences of countries such as Japan, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, which have already taken steps to modernize their pension systems.

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The conference featured contributions from such speakers as Raúl Henríquez, Director and Secretary General of SER Curaçao, Leona Romeo, VSA Consultant and Former Premier of St. Martin’s, and Bob Penedo, Professor of Oncology Emeritus.

According to the APC, it is necessary to take action now to ensure that the pension system is in line with a structurally high life expectancy, while at the same time providing satisfaction and enjoyment to future retirees.

Sophie Baker

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