How to beat the Elden Ring boss with Ring Fit

Margit, Fell Omen is the boss of the Elden Ring that many players have worked on for a long time. One finds it difficult, the other an apple egg. Most players enter this fight using a controller or keyboard, but have you ever tried it with Ring Fit?

Distortion of Louis 64 D in two attempts Elden Ring boss Margate defeated the Fell Omen… with Ring Fit. The controls look fairly easy: bend to heal and make moves with Ring Fit to attack or move. However, this alternative also requires two important qualities that every Elden Ring and Soulsborne player in general should possess: patience and tactical acumen. A simple swing of the Ring Fit won’t help quite as much as a small button smash. The distorted Lewis 64 shows the following:

Do you have an Elden Ring-Ring Fit set? Tarnished Louis 64 also shared a video tutorial after much ordering that shows this special control Explains better

Regina HassanIntern at and Power Unlimited. Editor in Chief at Pixel Vault. A fan of anime and a big horror fanatic. Lover of RPG, adventure, choice and pop culture. I’m in a lot of fandoms to keep up with that.

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