Hundreds of people stand on the Neude for Mental Health during the MIND Festival

On Saturday 24 September, hundreds of people in Neude in Utrecht will take on the physical and mental challenge by standing on a pole for (maximum) six hours, thus drawing attention to everyone with psychological problems. Anyone who considers mental health important and wants to raise money for the work of MIND can participate in the Sixth Edition of Last Man Standing from 6:00 AM to midnight. Everyone can now register at

MIND chooses this central location in the Netherlands and this long duration of the event to make a real impact and to make clear that mental health is a topic that concerns us all. Young people in particular have witnessed in recent years how fragile their mental balance can be. Mind wants to offer everyone who wants to make a strong statement for better mental health in the Netherlands the opportunity to take on the challenge in a self-selected time period to spend six hours literally and figuratively standing on a pole with everyone themselves or their environment and dealing with psychological problems.

Great teamwork
In previous editions of Last Man Standing, MIND saw that the solidarity among the participants was very high. Many of the participants experienced psychological complaints themselves, or were there for loved ones who were affected by this. Many people brought their supporters and formed close groups during the event. But Last Man Standing is also for people who aren’t aware of such complaints: it’s also a festival with entertainment that gives participants a lot of energy. There are artists, DJs, live radio, interviews, celebrities, games and more. Participants are welcome to bring their family and friends, whether they are also standing on a pole or coming to cheer them on. More details about the program will be available soon at

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What does MIND do with the collected donations?

The funds collected from the donations are used, among other things, for projects aimed at the mental health of young people. This way you prevent more and more people from having to deal with serious psychological problems and therefore also with very long waiting lists in the mental health care system. The goal of MIND is a mentally healthy community, where every person with mental health problems can count on quality understanding, support and care.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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