If the economy benefits strongly, the quarantine may end in England

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Business travelers will not have to remain in mandatory quarantine upon arrival in England, as the UK economy will benefit greatly from their arrival. The British government announced this on Tuesday, according to reports BBC.

The exception applies to business travelers from countries with an orange code and is only applied in special cases. Applicable to company representatives wishing to invest or start a new business in the UK.

“This exception was created to allow activities that protect British jobs and investments to continue, while taking steps to reduce risks to public health,” said the British economy.

A government spokesman adds that the exception to the rules does apply only in exceptional cases. “Protecting public health is our number one priority.”

Entrepreneurs also only qualify for the program if the work they need to do cannot be arranged remotely, such as by phone or over the Internet. “Or if someone else can do it for them.” It certainly does not apply to regular meetings or “estimated sales presentations”.

When the economy benefits significantly, it is also measured. This applies if there is a greater than 50 per cent chance that at least 500 jobs will be created or maintained in the UK, or a new company will be established within two years.

Testing before departure and after arrival is still necessary.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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