In most people, gluten does not cause inflammation of the intestines

Where does this claim come from?

The former Walloon Prime Minister tells on the sidelines talent About his eating habits. Although he is not allergic to gluten, he still tries to avoid proteins as much as possible. The reason he gives for this is that Gluten can cause inflammation in the intestinesWhich he calls our second brain. “I ate a piece of bread with gluten this morning and that’s not a problem. But gluten causes inflammation in the gut. Since your gut is your second intelligence, the engine of your heart, lungs and brain, I try to limit gluten as much as possible. You’re not functioning properly with an inflamed gut.”

We are investigating whether eating gluten causes inflammation in the intestines in people who do not have gluten problems.

How should you interpret this statement?

Gluten is the protein found in grains such as wheat, rye and barley. About 1% of the population Gluten intolerance (celiac disease). In people with this condition, gluten proteins damage the lining of the intestine. They should definitely avoid foods containing gluten To avoid.

In addition, approximately 2 to 3% of the Belgian population exhibit A Hypersensitivity For gluten or gluten intolerance. This combination is also possible Complaints experience when they eat foods containing gluten proteins.

Except for these two conditions (gluten intolerance and gluten sensitivity), it is not recommended to avoid gluten: gluten does not cause inflammation in the intestines.

Follow a Gluten-free for no reason Leads to one Unbalanced diet. Furthermore, major sources of gluten, such as whole grain products, have a lot of them .

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Gluten avoidance is only recommended for people who cannot tolerate gluten: people with gluten intolerance (celiac disease) and people with gluten sensitivity. For everyone else, a gluten-free diet makes no sense. If you do not have a gluten problem, eating gluten will not cause intestinal infections. Products that contain gluten, such as whole grain products, are often beneficial to your health. Therefore, Elio Di Rubo’s statement is incorrect.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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