ING Bank presents Michael de Reuters as ‘Sea Hero’ at Sale 2015

[INGEZONDEN] – Wow. I saw this advertised post. What a profound shame. Follow this. A few weeks ago I posted a comment under ING Bank competition, which Michael de Ryder called a Marine. I told them that Michael de Reuters was perpetuating slavery by his sea voyages and that this was an important goal. The colonies in these areas were run entirely by slave labor. The goods brought there were mostly intended for slave farms and their owners, and instead were loaded with sugar, syrup, tobacco and cotton produced by slave labor. Dangerous interests and recaptured forts from European rivals. All of these can continue the slave trade, and therefore income. So I explained this to them very well. Unfortunately, these bourgeois rats never responded to this 2nd answer.MR2

Now look போது During Soil 2015 in Amsterdam, no one can be seen today except a real Michael de Ryder. Truly incredible. In their 1st and last reaction they said, I quote: “We know that not all Marines are of impeccable behavior” and “We want to introduce the Dutch to these Marines and give them a piece of history”. But what are you going to say to those on the boat about him? What history are you going to present in conjunction with the Rheumatism Museum? Exactly, that he was a Marine. If they tell me the truth, I would be fine, but that man is a villain, a robber.

This is only possible in the Netherlands. White Dutchmen secretly boast of signs of colonial oppression. In addition to the gold car Swarte Fiat, we now have the real Michael de Ruider. You know. Disgusting.

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All the big banks (alternative: Triodos Bank) are cynical capitalist companies, but if I had been a customer at ING I would have immediately called customer service and closed my accounts immediately. Why? P. Because they glorify the people and identities that stand for colonial oppression. And b. Because they refuse to tell the right information and facts at a big international event like Choil. But yes, this is the Netherlands, so what else is new?

My argument is over.


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Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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