Inspirational Lecture by Eric Scherder with Message: Challenge This Mind!

Posted Date: 2023-06-27 at 2:53 PM

Lecture by Eric Scherder

After an introduction by GGD, Alderman Willy Hendrix Van Haren to welcome from the community. This talk by brain scientist Eric Scherder emphasizes the importance of prevention for the body and mind. Without thinking about it, your mind is important in everything you do. From transition to speech and from memory to sleep. Day and night, night and day. That’s why it’s important to take good care of your brain.”

Afternoon was a great success. Eric Scherder has shown that healthy aging really begins when you’re young. But also you can positively influence your mind at any age by getting more exercise, leading a healthy lifestyle and challenging your mind. Eric’s appeal was basically: be curious, challenge yourself and make an effort.

Therese Klassen, Director of Public Health GGD Hart for Brabant The lecture concluded: “Healthy growth and healthy aging should be available to all. We are working to reduce these health disparities, so that everyone can participate in society. By making health a matter of course for all. We believe that prevention in the broad sense of the word is the key to the future Healthy. Land van Cuijk is already doing a very good job with this. This is a huge compliment to all the organizations and participants involved.”

Before and after the lecture, there was a meeting ground on the topic of health in the small hall in Schouwburg. The organizations Alzheimer Nederland, Biblioplus, Buurtzorg, Dementie Keten Team, GGD Hart voor Brabant, NEGEN, Sociom, working groups for a dementia-friendly municipality, the WMO and Ypse advisors are located here. The meeting field was well attended.

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The lecture was one in a series of eight lectures, where good health and mental and physical fitness are paramount. Read here the lectures that are yet to be watched and registered:

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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