Interactive Map: Impact of Climate Change

If strong new measures are not taken to combat global warming, climate disasters may become more frequent over the years, but they may become more severe.

in a Latest Report The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations’ intergovernmental climate body, says that the extreme weather events humanity faces – droughts, wildfires, floods and heat waves – will become more frequent as global warming increases.

to me different scenarios According to the IPCC, the Earth could warm by 1 to 5.7 degrees by the year 2100. As things stand, the chances of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the century, the target set in the 2015 Paris Agreement, appear nil. Unless strong global climate action is taken quickly.

For its report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) examined several potential scenarios for global climate change. Experts have determined what our planet might look like if climate efforts were not made to curb global warming. In this case, global temperatures could rise by 4 degrees by the end of the century, clearly leading to more extreme weather events.

Instead of once every 50 years as in the past – now every 10 years – heat waves can occur annually or every two years. Very large floods, which used to occur once every 100 years, could become an annual phenomenon by 2100.

Interactive map tracking global warming

To better understand what lies ahead, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has the web interactive map Posted. This map shows how global warming will affect the world in different scenarios. If nothing is done, we can expect a significant increase in global temperatures. Hot countries will get warmer, but cold regions may also experience higher temperatures. This may cause the ice to melt faster.

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The different data on which the map is based can be modified to give a better idea of ​​what the future holds under different scenarios. For example, you can choose between data observed by a particular global or regional organization, or data from historical simulations or forecasts. It is also possible to see what the climate was like in the Upper Paleolithic.

Then you can choose a variable such as temperature, precipitation, snowfall, or ozone layer. With the third tab at the top of the map, you can choose between dropping closer or more in time. In addition, you can view the global warming effect for each scenario, the so-called SSPs from the UN report. We give a brief description of each scenario:

  • He. She SSP1 It describes a world of strong international cooperation, with an emphasis on sustainable development.
  • He. She SSP2 Foretells of a world characterized by the continuation of current trends.
  • He. She SSP3 It depicts a fragmented world characterized by competition between countries and in which policies focus more on safety than the environment.
  • He. She SSP4 It describes a world of great disparity between countries.
  • He. She SSP5 It describes a world of rapid and unrestricted growth in economic production and energy consumption.

The tool will then create a climate projection of the Earth based on the chosen parameters. You can also focus on an area and get more information about it.

In Central and Western Europe, for example, if nothing is done, the average summer temperature will be close to 30 degrees by the beginning of the twenty-second century. In North Africa, temperatures fluctuate between 45 and 50 degrees from June to August.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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