It urges G7 countries to establish codes of conduct for artificial intelligence to prevent misuse of the technology

G7 countries are about to establish a voluntary “code of conduct” for companies developing advanced artificial intelligence systems. This initiative, which stems from Operation Hiroshima Artificial Intelligence, aims to address the misuse and potential risks of this revolutionary technology.

The G7, made up of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, has begun this process to set an example of AI governance.

Code of Conduct for Artificial Intelligence

In light of growing concerns about privacy and security risks 11-point code of conduct Light of hope. According to the G7 document, this Code of Conduct aims to:

“Promote safe and trustworthy AI around the world and provide voluntary guidelines for actions by organizations developing the most advanced AI systems.”

The code encourages companies to identify, assess and mitigate risks throughout the AI ​​lifecycle. Furthermore, the Code recommends public reporting on the capabilities, limitations, and uses of AI, with a strong emphasis on robust security measures.

Vera Jourova, head of digital affairs at the European Commission, said at a forum on Internet governance:

“The Code of Conduct provides a solid foundation for ensuring safety and will serve as a bridge to regulation, pending further legislation.”

Ethical concerns about artificial intelligence systems. Source: Deloitte

OpenAI Readiness Team

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, has also created a preparedness team to address risks surrounding AI models. This team, led by Alexandre Madry, will address issues such as personal beliefs, cybersecurity threats and the spread of misinformation.

This initiative is OpenAI’s contribution to the upcoming International AI Summit in the UK and reflects the global call for security and transparency in AI technology development.

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The UK Government defines “Frontier AI” as:

“Highly advanced general-purpose AI models capable of performing a wide range of tasks and matching or exceeding the capabilities of today’s most advanced models.”

The OpenAI Preparedness Team will focus on managing these risks, making the need for a global code of conduct on AI even more urgent.

As AI continues to develop, the G7’s proactive efforts and OpenAI’s commitment to risk management demonstrate a timely response. Both a voluntary “code of conduct” and the establishment of a dedicated preparedness team are critical steps to harnessing the power of AI responsibly, with the goal of maximizing benefits while effectively managing potential risks.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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