Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s lawsuit ended: what’s next? † Currently

Defamation in court officially ended on Wednesday: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard heard the verdict in the actor’s defamation case against his ex-wife. She has to transfer to him more than 10 million dollars (9.4 million euros) and 2 million dollars. This seems to be the end. But is this true?

Depp heard from the seven-member jury on Wednesday evening (Netherlands time) what he had been hoping for for so long: He was right. According to the jury, the cast has sufficiently proven that his ex-wife is guilty of defamation and responsible for the consequences of her accusations on his life.

The jury wanted Depp to receive $15 million from his ex-wife. But due to a rule in the US state of Virginia, where the lawsuit was filed, this amount was reduced to 10,350,000 US dollars.

According to the jury, Heard was unable to prove at most points that her ex-husband was guilty of defamation. The actress still gets paid. That’s because the jury saw enough ground for Heard’s team’s view on Depp’s attorney. By saying that everything Heard said was part of a “hoax,” the attorney was guilty of defamation. Heard, in turn, will receive $2 million.

It is not clear whether it is about subtracting one amount from another. Both amounts may have to be paid for legal termination.

Neither of them has officially said that yet, but if a Heard spokesperson is to be believed, the actress plans to appeal. In her initial response, the actress said she was deeply disappointed with the ruling but did not reveal any potential appeal. The coming weeks will show whether Heard will continue the case.

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This does not mean that this will actually happen. Depp also wanted an appeal in the UK, as he had a case involving a piece in the the sun (Where Depp was called a “women’s racket”) he lost. It was not allowed then.

And now? Regardless of the potential appeal, both actors will have to move on with their lives. Depp wrote that the referee finally gave him that chance and that the truth is now on the street. In court, he told how he’s seen the number of new movie offers dwindle since Heard’s first accusations in 2016.

Contrast this with a former employee of Depp. According to the booking agent, the number of offers had already decreased before that time due to the actor’s behavior on film sets. For example, he may be late regularly or not be adequately prepared.

Depp was not present in court during the sentencing because he was in the UK for shows. So he can at least get him started musically. Recently, the actor starred in a French movie, Jane Du BarryIt was shown to various distributors during the Cannes Film Festival. We may see this movie again in cinemas.

The actor hopes that slightly bigger movie roles will come his way again. But if we are experts among others Watchman Believe it or not, the makers will be careful in the coming years. The lawsuit revealed many details that affect the way people see Depp. Filmmakers may consider this to be a risk.

In any case, Heard is likely to be shown in most cinemas in March 2023. Then it appears according to the current schedule Aquaman 2, in which the actress plays the role of Mira. Recently, independent film recordings have also closed in hellHowever, it is not known when this movie will be released.

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No other film projects have been announced yet. Also in the case of Heard, according to experts, it can be assumed that the show will be delayed.

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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