Johnny Depp enjoys peace in British Somerset: “I’m a shy person” | Celebrities

CelebritiesAfter a turbulent period, Johnny Depp (59) is enjoying peace at his country home in Somerset, England. In an interview with ‘Somerset Life’ magazine, the American actor spoke about his quiet time in England after leaving Hollywood. “I can go to the shops here without being surrounded by people wanting to take selfies,” Depp said with relief.

“I’m a shy person.” It’s a statement we didn’t immediately expect from Johnny Depp. And yet it is. “I love going places and meeting people, but I’m definitely not the outgoing person I think I am,” she explains to the magazine. “Actually, I’m very shy. That’s one of the best things about Britain and Somerset in particular. I can be myself and that’s fine. The American actor likes that people don’t treat him like a celebrity there. “British people are cool, they greet you like a neighbor without going overboard. . I can walk into shops here without being surrounded by people wanting to take selfies. He continues: “I don’t really mind when people want an autograph or a quick chat, but not when I’m spending time with my family. I enjoy the peace.”

That’s why Depp is happy to leave Hollywood. The ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ actor now resides permanently in his mansion in the United Kingdom. He bought an estate of no less than 850 hectares in 2014, certainly nothing less. He later paid 13 million for the 12-bedroom, eight-bathroom luxury home in authentic Downton Abbey style. “I like places with character,” she told Somerset Life magazine. “I have different houses in different places and they’re all special to me. I don’t have them to call my own. I keep them to use because I think they’re special,” Deb said.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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