Kapsalon Romy was awarded Best Dutch Family Film at Cinekid

Last night, the Youth Film Awards were handed out during the CINEKID Festival. Romy hair salon It won the Best Dutch Family Film award. Flemish Dutch My daughter It won the Cinekid Lion Award for Best Children’s Film. The audience awards went to the Swedish comedy Sony Vs. Sony And My very strange week with Tess.

The Golden Lions Award was distributed on Thursday evening for the best media projects from MediaLab. The jury award for best international media project went to Eden Adventure by Abner Bryce, a virtual reality installation in which the visitor takes a journey through the history of media in our time. Paloma Dawkins won the Audience Award for her virtual reality game Museum of Symmetry.

All winners at a glance:

Best Children’s Film (Cinekid Lion Jury Prize worth €7,500)
My daughter | Frederick Megum | Bulletproof Cupid, Family Affairs Movies | Belgium Netherlands

Best Children’s Film (Cinekid Lion Audience Award)
Sony Vs. Sony | John Holmberg | Unlimited Stories | Sweden

Best Dutch Family Film (Cinekid Lion Jury Prize worth €7,500)
Rumi hair salon | Misha Camp | Boss Bros

Best Dutch Family Film (Cinekid Leeuw Audience Award)
My very strange week with Tess | Stephen Waterlood | Film Bend

Best International Animated Short Film (Cinekid Lion Jury Prize worth €2,500)
Heat wave | Fukion Xenos | National School of Film and Television | Greece, United Kingdom

Best International Action Short Film (Cinekid Lion Jury Prize worth €2,500)
Provence | Cato de Boeck | RITCS School of Arts | Belgium

Best Dutch Animated Short Film (Jury Prize €2,500)
for first scond | Red Sajak | Lord and Guru movie

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Best Dutch Live Action Short Film (Jury Prize €2,500)
And the road | Marit Wareheim | Room for a movie

Best Dutch Short Documentary (Jury Prize €2,500)
180 cc | René van Zundert | Tangerine tree | Employers’ Organization

Best Youth Film (Youth Jury Award)
Hacker | Paul Berg | Tools movie | Denmark

Best Dutch novel series
Seven petty criminals | Rob Locker | Pupkin movie | vice president

Best Dutch non-fiction series
Another week | Kim Faber, Juti den Dolke, Anna Peters, Wynand Dirks van de Ven, Marinka de Jong, Stefan Kaas and Nileke Kopp | mondox | vice president

National Lower School Audience Award
The fox and the rabbit | Masha Halberstad and Tom van Gestel | Submarine, Walking the Dog, Kennel Movies | CRO-NCRV

National Audience Award for High School
Word rules | Maurice Trobrust | NL Film & Television | vice president

Sophie Baker

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