look. Russian state television takes a different tack: “Millions of Russophobic French no longer use shampoo or toothpaste” | outside

In the catchy clip, the Russians zoom in on some characters about the “Filthy French.” The presenter especially emphasizes that it is not Russian propaganda, but information from the French Institute of Public Opinion. This relates to distorted information from Ifop’s recent measure of personal hygiene, in which some French people indicate that they are currently saving on hygiene products due to high inflation and are paying extra attention to their use of those products.

“A certain smell can be felt in the streets of French cities today, where garbage collectors strike, but also in public institutions … where dirty, unwashed Russophobic Frenchmen congregate,” Skabayeva concludes.

This is not the first time that the broadcaster wants to ridicule the West with an extended speech. For example, in January it claimed that all people in Cardiff were eating cat food and heating their meals on radiators because of the high costs. She also said that British women were forced into prostitution for food and warmth.

See also. The same Russian TV presenter last month: “Wasn’t Biden killed in Kiev?”

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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