Map business risks to the health of your employees – Jutter

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As a business owner, you benefit as much as possible from the health of your employees. Energetic and fit people have optimum happiness at work and maximum energy. This results in more productivity in the workplace, which benefits the business process. To ensure your company’s employees remain as healthy as possible, it is wise to have a periodic occupational health check (PAGO). However, what is a file PAGO . Research How does this research map out the health risks of work? You will read it in this article.

What is a PAGO study?

The PAGO survey shows the health risks of your employees within your organization. This mainly relates to risks related to business activities, so it is not specifically for every employee. With the results of this research, you can make choices to reduce or avoid certain occupational risks.

Is the PAGO exam mandatory?

Since the introduction of the Gatekeeper Improvement Act in 2002, it has been necessary to provide a medical examination for your employees regularly. Also under the Employment Conditions Act, you are obligated to offer this option to your employees. The employee is not obligated to participate in this survey. PAGO is mandatory for employees only if it is described in the collective labor agreement. Mandatory PAGO investigation is carried out in jobs that have significant safety risks, such as aviation, police and construction. So the results of a PAGO survey can have consequences for the employee’s position. For example, a pilot may not see worse or may have to deal with heart failure.

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What does a PAGO study consist of?

PAGO consists of a medical examination of the health of your employees, taking into account the factors that pose a risk in the workplace. You can record these risks, for example, in a risk inventory and assessment (RI&E). The PAGO examination may include a questionnaire, biometric examination, and physical examination in which lifestyle is taken into account. There are also tips on how to reduce occupational risks.

Find the most suitable expert

Most employers hire an outside specialist to conduct a PAGO investigation. This expert has the right experience to conduct the investigation, which will save you a lot of time, effort and costs. Finding a suitable PAGO expert can be difficult. Which of the dozens of PAGO service providers suits your company best? employment HR Navigator Receive quotes from famous experts in your area. This way you can be sure that you are working with a professional PAGO specialist.

Megan Vasquez

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