Maroun believes that Zaventem's new permit is harmful to health, and the union suggests keeping the job

“Quite a strict framework”

The socialist trade union BTB-ABVV asserts that night flights are essential for the airport itself, but also for economic activity in Belgium.

“Many companies in Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia need this to protect their activities and further develop them in the future,” she said. “Airport employees also want to be able to sleep in peace,” says Frank Murrells, president of BTB-ABVV. “The fact that they may lose their jobs keeps them up at night. In the end, we are talking about 64,000 employees who have direct or indirect employment thanks to the economic activities at the airport.”

According to BTB-ABVV, the framework created by the Flemish government on Friday is “not a carte blanche.” “It is quite a strict framework. Although we understand that different interests balance each other – economic interests, environment and public health – we wonder whether the framework is not too restrictive with regard to the future. Minister Demir explains the ceiling on the total number of flights, for example , at 240 thousand flights per year from 2032. This would make a 13% growth scenario possible, the question is whether it is enough to protect activities and growth opportunities at our national airport. “?,” concludes the union.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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