Mass class action lawsuit against Oracle over privacy violations

A mass class action lawsuit has been filed against Oracle in the US state of California. According to the claim, Oracle is violating the privacy of billions of Internet users worldwide. Claims are based on violations of federal, state, competition and common law.

The Filed a mass petition On behalf of a large part of the world’s population, TechCrunch writesIt was brought to the United States by three people: Dr. Johnny Ryan, of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), Michael Katz-LaCape, research director of the Center for Human Rights and Privacy, and Dr. Jennifer Colbeck, professor of computer science at the University of Maryland.

Because the United States lacks a clear federal privacy law, making it difficult to file a privacy lawsuit, Oracle’s allegations include multiple violations of the federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the California State Constitution, and the California Invasion of Privacy Act. Competition Law and Common Law.

To conclude the ‘monitoring procedure’

The goal of the accusers is to stop Oracle from collecting the data they see and using it for its own benefit. According to them, it is impossible for a company to follow everyone on earth, where they go and what they do. The ‘surveillance machine’ must end.

Prosecutors allege that Oracle is a global “surveillance machine” that tracks at least 5 billion people worldwide. For this, the technology company collects large amounts of data from internet users without consent.

Oracle then uses this data to create profiles of users and further enriches it via its data marketplace, thereby threatening the privacy of these individuals at large. Oracle avoids proxies to collect and use sensitive data.

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Also claims in Europe

The case against Oracle is not unique. Massive claims against Oracle have also been made in Europe in recent years due to privacy violations. These claims were made in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

In 2020, Oracle, along with Salesforce, was sued in the Netherlands by The Privacy Collective for violating the privacy of millions of Dutch and British people. At the end of 2021, the case was declared inadmissible by the Amsterdam Court. However, in late March this year, The Privacy Collective said it would appeal.

Tip: Oracle and Salesforce sued in mass class action for privacy infringement

Ferdinand Woolridge

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