More and more Dutch people say they have allergies, but are they really?

It was published recently CBS That 1 in 5 Dutch people say they suffer from allergies. But according to Oude Elberink, there’s a difference between thinking you have allergies and knowing you do.

Misuse of allergies

Ude Elberink says the confusion over CBS’s numbers is due to self-reporting. “These are people who say themselves they have allergies and you can compromise on that.” According to allergists, the word “allergy” is one of the most misused words in our society. This is partly because people don’t know what allergies are and what they aren’t, but also because they misuse them.

More people have allergies

Aside from the confusion over CBS’s numbers, Udi Elbrink says the number of people with allergies is actually increasing. There are all kinds of hypotheses about this increase. One of the well-known hypotheses is the hygiene hypothesis. This suggests that a very clean environment (in which children are not exposed to enough pathogens) plays a role in increasing allergies.

A more recent hypothesis is the epithelial barrier hypothesis. This states that skin damage leads to increased permeability to harmful substances. Skin damage can be caused by air pollution, but also by the use of harsh cleaning agents and detergents. Unnecessary use of antibiotics can also lead to increased allergic reactions.

Randstad sensitivity?

What is striking from the CBS study is that more people from the Randstad say they suffer from allergies than people from other parts of the country. Oude Elberink has an explanation for this: “The Randstad is a densely populated environment and has relatively more air pollution, and I think these are factors.”

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What Oude Elberink also notes about the numbers at Randstad is that there is a large group who think they cannot tolerate gluten. “The number of people who think they are affected by this is greater than they actually are.”

More space for outdoor playing and skin protection

In an article written by Oude Elberink on behalf of the Allergy Society, she provides recommendations to address the increase in allergies at the national level. For example, it calls for more space for children to play outside. “It is essential that children are exposed to healthy microbes that can develop their immune systems.” She also advises eating a varied diet and protecting the skin.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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