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According to opinion maker Sywert van Lienden Follow Money (FTM) More than 9 million euros left in the controversial mouth mask deal with the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports. According to FTM investigative reporters, he transferred the money to a personal holding company. Usually this construction is used to make wealth invisible.

The two business partners of Van Lienden raised about 5 million euros. The amounts have been confirmed by business partners and Van Lienden.

Relief Goods Alliance BV, which the three founded, provided 40 million medical oral caps last year for more than €100 million. Van Lienden pretended that the deal was not for profit and was the result of social engagement.

A devastating media storm

Doubts about this arose later. Until now, Van Linden did not want full disclosure, in his own words due to the confidentiality clauses.

In an article on the FTM website, Van Lienden said the deal yielded much more than originally thought. This would be the result of “a number of external factors including exchange rates, robust quality management, lower raw material prices and the purchasing benefits realised.”

He also says he eventually wants to give 9 million “social destinations”. But the question remains whether the entire amount will go. “The possibility of this being fully realized depends in part on the current devastating media storm in my career,” van Linden says.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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