More than a thousand square meters of additional sports infrastructure: “attract other clubs from the region as well” (Neil)

Mayor Tom de Vries and Alderman of Sports Stephen Matthews at the new gym. © Bart Rugemann


In Nell, the new dojo, gymnastics and dance hall in the sports park was officially opened. This is a major expansion with an area of ​​more than 1,000 square metres. “We also hope to attract new clubs with this state-of-the-art infrastructure,” said Sports Council member Stephen Matthews (Open Vld).

The two major clubs, the VGL Niel gymnastics circuit and Fudji Yama judo school, among others, are pleased with the new infrastructure. “The gymnastics club was previously spread out in different locations. In the ‘old’ gym they also had to clean everything over and over to make room for other sports. Now they can have a room where the equipment can stay permanently and everything fits neatly together like puzzle”, says Mayor Tom De Vries (Open Vld).

“It is the next step for the club towards more professionalism, because in other locations it was sometimes limited in terms of infrastructure. Including the height of the room. All this is provided for in the new gym.”

“We’ve also received many compliments from the judo club for the quality of the floor,” says Municipal Athletic Councilor Stephen Matthews. “The dojo can also be used in other (martial) sports. For example, there are already judo and kung fu there and there is also an application of laido (sword drawing). But also yoga or aerobics, for example.”

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“With the new infrastructure, we are happy to open up to new clubs and we want to strengthen the regional image,” says the mayor. “A new dojo can be rented to each building for this purpose.”

The new infrastructure was accomplished with the support of Sport Vlaanderen, which granted a subsidy of €413,000 at a total cost of €2.5 million. All given a sustainable and energy-friendly feel with a powered heat pump Through green energy from solar panels in gym and ecological air circulation system.


Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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