Myanmar ousted government accused of high treason

Deposed prime minister MyanmarAung San Suu Kyi will be accused by the new military leadership of treason. The army was overthrown after a military coup.

Last Monday, the army took control of Myanmar. The military leadership declared a year-long state of emergency and arrested Suu Kyi, who was democratically elected. She was placed under house arrest with dozens of other politicians. Her government was replaced by a government made up of generals and other high-ranking soldiers, along with some military-backed politicians.

The United States and the European Union responded immediately to this military coup. The Union and the United States threaten to impose sanctions if the military government does not quit. The United Nations Security Council also met to discuss the military coup, but China blocked the condemnation, so it appears that the new military government in Myanmar can count on Chinese support. The Communist regime in Beijing appears to be trying to increase its influence in the country.

The G7 foreign ministers also responded with deep concern over the coup. The United Kingdom, America, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Canada are jointly calling for an end to the state of emergency and the restoration of the previous government. All unjust prisoners must be released “Human rights and the rule of law must be respected.”

It is far from clear whether the Myanmar military will comply. Their control is absolute at the moment, and if they can count on support from China, they will certainly feel strong enough not to give up. Military intervention in Myanmar by NATO countries could quickly escalate into a military confrontation with China, which is of course something they want to avoid. China is a great power with a powerful army and a nuclear arsenal.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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