Netflix presents ‘Ghostbusters’ animated series | showbiz

The ghost hunters are back for revenge. Netflix has announced the start of work on an animated series around “Ghostbusters.” No other information is known about the content of the series at this time. It is also still waiting for the official start date. What is already known is the fact that Jason Reitman will act as a director. He brought the previous movie, Ghostbuster: Afterlife, to life and is the son of Evan Reitman, the director of the first two Ghostbusters films. He passed away in February 2022.

The Ghostbusters movie originated in the 1980s. The first movie in the series, about three masters searching and hunting ghosts, was released in 1984. 1989, a sequel appeared. The franchise wasn’t revived until 2016, with a new movie and all-new crew. Striking: all the women played the leading roles this time. The last released movie about Ghostbusters is “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” from 2021. A sequel is said to be in the works.

By the way, this is not the first time that “ghost hunters” have been represented in cartoon form. The first animated series called “Extreme Ghostbusters” was released in 1997 and consisted of 40 episodes. About ten years later, in 1986, the series “The Real Ghostbusters” was born. It had no less than seven seasons and 140 episodes. It remains to be seen how many episodes or seasons the new series will consist of.

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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