No medal for Lafrisen and Hoagland at the Nations Cup in Cali | sports

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Mountain biker Terpstra finishes fifth at the World Cup in Linzerheide

3.15 pmMountain biker Anne Terpstra finished fifth at the World Cup in Linzerheide, Switzerland. She finished the race more than two minutes behind winner Luana Lecomte of France. In the sprint race, Terpstra was beaten by Frenchwoman Pauline Ferrand-Prevot, who came fourth.

For Lecomte, this is the second win in a row. She also won the competition in Leogang. In the World Cup standings, she is one point ahead of Australian Rebecca McConnell, with 1204 points. Terpstra is fourth with 890 points.

Swiss tennis star Walter, wins the ITF tournament in Amstelveen

3.13 pmSimona Waltert won the ITF tournament in Amstelveen. The 21-year-old Swiss was too strong for American Emma Navarro in two sets. 7-6 (10) became 6-0 for Waltert, world record 186.

Fourth seed Walter took care of eliminating Dutchman Querine Lemoine in the semi-finals of the tournament. It became 6-3 and 6-4 for the Swiss. Lemoine qualified for the semi-finals by eliminating Dutchman Suzan Lamens.

No medal for Lafrisen and Hoagland at the Nations Cup in Cali

09:28 am Cyclists Harry Lafrisen and Jeffrey Hoagland missed medals in the Keren portion of the Nations Cup competition in Cali. Lafrisen won the final in the Colombian city of B. Hoogland came in fourth. Nicholas Poole of Trinidad and Tobago won the final. Dutch cyclists will compete in the sprint race on Sunday.

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Hetty van der Woo just lost a medal in the 500m. She took fourth place, 0.759 seconds behind Colombia’s Martha Bayona. Stevie van der Peet finished seventh.

Mylene de Zoet was ranked ninth in the world race. The win went to American Jennifer Valente.

Almost 2 million viewers of the first match of the European Championship of the Orange Lionesses

9:11 am Nearly two million people watched the first game of the Orange Ducks in the European Football Championship in the United Kingdom on Saturday night. The Dutch national team tied with Sweden 1-1.

This is almost as many viewers as the women’s first match during the previous European Championship, in our country in 2017. Then the Netherlands beat the Norwegian women. The most watched broadcast about the then European Championship was a tribute to the Dutch women, with 5.4 million viewers.

The women’s match was the most watched TV show of all time on Saturday night.

Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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