Noord-Holland Noord Gezond strives to be in the healthiest part of the Netherlands

NORTH NETHERLANDS – Health is, and always will be, our most valuable asset. It is very important to maintain and enhance this. There goes the regional partnership North Holland is a healthy north (NHN Healthy) is committed. The associated organizations of the NHN Gezond strive together with the residents of the region to become the healthiest region in the Netherlands. Now and in the future.

NHN Gezond is a partnership between welfare and welfare organisations, educational institutions, municipalities, GGD and GGZ, health insurance companies and residents of the Noord-Holland Noord.

Health and well-being come first

Fredo Kranen, NHN Gezond, Director Omring: ‘NHN Gezond is committed to providing quality care in the region, even though we know demand is increasing. But health is more than just care. This is why we choose a broad approach. So in addition to care, it is also about well-being, housing and other matters that determine health. Together we look: what does the population of our region need to be healthy? We collect the resources available for this and use them as effectively as possible. The health of the people of North-Nord Holland is our top priority! “

Human health is determined by many different factors, including a healthy community. Just like in the whole of the Netherlands, we also face different challenges in the three regions of Noord-Holland-Noord, namely Koop van Noord Holland, West-Friesland and Noord-Kenemerland. The aging population is growing, there are long waiting lists, fewer healthcare workers are available, and the mental health of the population deserves attention.

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Fredo Kranen: “NHN Gezond will tackle these challenges in the coming years. We are committed to moving from care and disease to health and behaviour, so that by 2030 we will be the healthiest region in the Netherlands! We are aware that this will only work if we work together in the region, with an overview And hold together not around the population, but with and for them.

Hans Hook, Resident Council of NHN Gezond: “Population participation is very valuable for improving health. That is why it is always important to properly involve people in decision-making. As an older person in this region, I also want to be well-off. And I can be I worry and complain about it, but I want to see if I can contribute something and if I can help change something. To promote health, collaboration is inevitable. As an organization, don’t go for yourself, but go for the health of the community. Dismantle and exchange strength with each other.I hope that from NHN Gezond I can mean something on this.

NHN Healthy Strength

There are already many initiatives in the region that are trying to improve health. However, NHN Gezond’s strength lies primarily in comprehensive cross-regional cooperation. By working together and sharing ideas, NHN Gezond gained influence. So the wheel is not reinvented, but NHN Gezond is looking at how it can act as a flywheel to enhance what is already there. More information can be found on the new website And this video.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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