OldStars is for everyone who wants to keep moving

Moving together is healthy and continuous. The National Trust for Seniors believes that everyone should be able to exercise together. That’s why Seniors Trust offers exercise inspiration with OldStars and dozens of forms of exercise across the Netherlands, so there’s always a way to work out that works for you now and later.

Exercise is good for everyone

Young or old, exercise is good for everyone. It is not only good for our body, but also for the mind. But keeping moving is still an art. If the body cooperates no problem. But as the years go by, physical harassment or restrictions often arise that make it less easy. However, it is also important to keep moving. Whether you do this on your own (for the tube using Holland on the move) Or in groups, any shape is good. As long as you move.

National Seniors Exercise Week

To draw more attention to the physical and social benefits of continuing to exercise, the Seniors Fund organizes OldStars VitalityPlay National Sports Week for the Elderly. This week, there are exercise activities for seniors across the country with the final on Friday, May 20: National Balcony Movement Day† Would you like to join an exercise activity in your area?

exercises for everyone

OldStars stimulates health and fitness late in the year with its range of exercises. To ensure that everyone can continue to exercise responsibly, OldStars forms of exercise often have different (game) rules. At OldStars you can find many different forms of exercise, from table tennis to soccer, and from billiards to cycling. What is the best way to move for you? Everyone can join!

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“Making panna when you are my age is so much fun! I really hope I can carry on with everything so that my grandson can play football with his grandmother when he grows up.” Kony (66) moves with the OldStars soccer team.

Finish with coffee

At OldStars, participants are socially active as well. With every form of exercise, the meeting occupies an important place: catching up before training or finishing with a coffee. Because you keep moving together! For example, the Seniors Fund strengthens the social network of the elderly, which contributes to the prevention of loneliness.

also near you

With OldStars exercise forms, you can keep moving or start exercising in a responsible way. There is always a type of exercise that works for you. At OldStars, you choose to have fun and keep moving together. There are already more than 500 exercise sites across the country. look at me Old Stars website For more information and an OldStars club near you.

(Photo: Nhttps://oldstars.nl/vititeitenspelen/ationaal Ouderenfonds)

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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