On your way to “positive health” during Rundge Gesund

A wide range of activities and information are available on the day throughout the Kaag and Braassem region. Many sports providers, healthcare professionals and social care organizations are opening their doors to the public. This is a unique opportunity to ask questions, chat informally and even participate in exciting workshops.

Consider, for example, a physical therapist, sleep therapist, occupational therapist, general practitioner, sports masseuse, practitioner assistant, dietitian, masseuse, midwife, mindfulness coach, but also your local police officer. Or go to De Papierwinkel to talk about complex paperwork and/or financial matters.

Positive health

It promises to be a day full of insights, meetings and opportunities to discover how you can contribute to your well-being or positive health. Positive health relates to every person and all of life. Do you feel that your life has meaning? Can you do your own thing? It’s about making ends meet with your money, a nice place to live, and good friends. In short, it targets the person as a whole and their quality of life.

“It is important to understand that health is much more than just physical well-being,” says Ans De Jeeu, one of the organizers of Rundje Gesund. “Our event makes residents aware of different topics that contribute to quality of life. We encourage people to look at their positive health, ask questions, learn from each other and discover the many opportunities our area has to offer.

Whether you’re looking for tips to become more active, learn more about feelings and thoughts, increase social connections, or are just curious about how to improve your positive health, Rondje Gezond Kaag en Braassem promises to be an inspiring and informative day.

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More information about this day and all the participants who take part can be found: https://www.dedriemaster.nu/rondje-gezond..This list is updated daily.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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