Overview. These new relaxations will begin on June 27

“We are on the right track, the numbers are much better. We are no longer a red country, and soon we will turn green. Thus, the previously announced easing of the summer plan can continue,” Prime Minister Alexandre de Croo (Open Vld) started the press conference after the commission advisory. This relaxation will take effect a few days before July 1, that is, on June 27.

HORECA: Cafes and restaurants are allowed to stay open until 1am again, instead of 11:30pm now. The company on the table was increased from four to eight. Catering establishments are also allowed to use glazing on their outside balconies, so that tables can be placed close to each other. Café games such as pool or darts are again allowed, but with mouth masks.

at home: We will soon be able to meet eight adults at home soon. The ban on gathering more than 10 people during the day and 4 at night will be changed.

a store: All restrictions on shopping have been lifted.

for work: Remote work is no longer mandatory, but is still recommended.

Meetings: Worship services, weddings and funerals are allowed to receive up to 200 people indoors or 400 people outside. Indoor parties and receptions can be conducted without restrictions, as long as there is a maximum of eight people per table and the closing time of one hour is respected. Dance party is forbidden and is still forbidden.

Events: It is allowed to receive cultural performances, concerts or sports competitions with a limit of 2,000 spectators. Everyone is still required to wear a mouth mask and sit a safe distance from each other. Outdoor events, such as football matches, can welcome up to 5,000 people when working with the Covid Safe Ticket. The obligation of a mouth mask on outdoor occasions ends when one sits down. Takeaway can also be used for major occasions.

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markets: Markets are allowed to continue with the attendance of 5,000 people and one-way traffic. In July and August, it is still necessary to wear a mouth mask. The same rules apply to the fairgrounds.

The suffering of youthYouth camps are again allowed with one night stay and a maximum of 100 people. Youth activities and association life can also start anew with the same maximum. Pre-testing is highly recommended.

Sports: Amateur sport can continue without restrictions. Changing rooms and showers can be reused.

holidays: In addition to your family, you can rent a vacation home with eight additional people. Children under 12 are not included in this. There will be no restrictions on tourist accommodations that can accommodate groups greater than 15 people as long as protocols are followed. The ’emergency curb principle’ applies to 27 countries: Belgians – who have also been fully vaccinated – are required to quarantine for 10 days, with a PCR test on the first day and the seventh.

The next advisory committee will meet on July 16. “At that time, many of the remaining restrictions should have been removed,” concludes de Croo.

© Advisory Committee

Amber Webster

 "Freelance zombie fanatic. Devoted web advocate. Analyst. Writer. Coffee fanatic. Travelaholic. Proud food aficionado."

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