Papal Apologies to Canadian Boarding School Not Imminent

Pope Francis on Sunday expressed his “pain” over the discovery of the remains of 215 Aboriginal children at the site of a former boarding school run by the Catholic Church in British Columbia, Canada. However, he did not apologize.

Despite calls to do so, Pope Francis did not go so far as to apologize for what happened at the Catholic boarding school. Canada Event. However, the bishop expressed his condolences.

“I am following with pain the reports from Canada of the horrific discovery of the remains of 215 children in British Columbia,” the Argentine said. children died in internal school, a kind of boarding school of which there were thousands in Canada, where Aboriginal children were forcibly housed. For example, their “integration” into Canadian society should have taken place more quickly. Their deaths were never reported, and the youngest was only three years old when they died.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday lamented the pope and the Catholic Church’s refusal to acknowledge their “responsibility” and “share of the blame” for running Indigenous boarding schools in the North American country. According to him, it was time for the Catholic Church to do so.

And the Pope did not go away on Sunday, simply saying: “I am connected with the Canadian Bishops of Canada and the entire Catholic Church in Canada to express my solidarity with the Canadian people, who are shocked by this shocking news.”

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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