Parliament: ‘Warmly welcome’ Afghan evacuees

Outgoing Secretary of State Ankie Brookers (Asylum) during a debate on Afghanistan in the House of Representatives.ANP photo / Bart Maat

A proposal to do such a thing, similar to the British model, was made by PvdA MP Katy Perry and is in any case supported by eleven other parties – from Bij1 to the SGP. According to Berry, the Netherlands should “pay special attention” to the “decent reception of this group of Afghans”. For her comrades, she thinks of volunteers, but also of the veterans of Afghanistan who, for example, supervise their former interpreter.

Outgoing Defense Secretary Henk Kamp said he wanted to “catch” this, after CDA MP Dirk Bosvik questioned whether veterans could be given a role in the merger. They also often helped with evacuation lists, for example by confirming the identity of previous interpreters.

The British government has launched Operation Warm Welcome, which will give evacuees the right to remain in the UK, providing them with money for education and health care. With such arrangements, Afghans should make it easier Be able to integrate in the UK And find work faster. The House also wants such a safety net for Afghans who come to Holland.

‘Promising future’

D66 MP Salima Belhaj, whose name is linked to the proposal regulating access to the Netherlands for Afghans who worked for the Netherlands, also welcomed Afghans in the Netherlands to the discussion. “The Netherlands is a beautiful and beautiful country. I hope for a bright future for the children. Make something out of your life.”

The question is how the reception should be arranged. Regular asylum reception is full and sober emergency shelter hastily arranged in, for example, defense sites or in the Heumensoord tent camp is full. Earlier this week, Secretary of State Ankee Brokers-Knoll already appealed to the municipalities involved at the time of the question to offer more reception sites.

Member of Parliament Caroline van der Plas of BoerBurgerBeweging has proposed housing Afghans on the vacant floors of the temporary House of Representatives building. According to Broekers-Knol, this is not possible, but the Central State Real Estate Agency checks whether there are vacant government buildings suitable for people to live in.

2,100 people evacuated

In August, after the fall of Kabul, the parliament enforced the right of all Afghans at risk due to their association with the Netherlands to evacuation and asylum. Then tens of thousands of people sent an email to a private email address. Because the information in these emails is “incomplete,” it is “impossible for the Department of State to evaluate a request for assistance on its merits.”

So the cabinet on Monday limited the group to about 2,100 people who still wanted to try to get it out of Afghanistan. Intent supported by the majority of members of the House of Representatives. This relates to people who were already on the evacuation list when the Dutch Armed Forces had to stop evacuation flights on 26 August, translators and other staff who worked on Dutch army or police missions, Dutch aid project staff and coordinators. from journalists.

The condition is that the Afghans worked in the Netherlands for at least one year and that their status was “visible”. On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Ben Knapen already promised that there would also be room for worrisome cases that did not fall under the criteria. He also said 2,100 people is an estimate, not a maximum.

Knappen said Thursday that he hopes his ministry will be “in calmer waters.” “I see the bags under the eyes of the officials.” At the same time, he says, “it’s just the beginning.” “We see the misery happening there. It will haunt us for a long time.”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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