Patient centricity: from patient to health care partner

During this episode we talk about “the new empowered patient.” Because, just like the trend toward more citizen and consumer engagement, we also want to be able to “have our say” in healthcare. We increasingly expect participation and participation. This shift from patient to partner will define the future of our healthcare.

It is a positive development that after twenty years the rights and laws relating to patients have been updated. These changes enable the patient to play a more active role in their treatment and overall care plan, says Willie Knobs, a life sciences consultant at the pharmaceutical umbrella organization. Pharma.B. “The patient must be better informed. Educational programmes, media initiatives and awareness campaigns contribute to this, but it is essential that patients become assertive and dare to speak out.

Knobs points out that progress has been made, for example with bodies such as the Patient Expert Centre, which trains patients to take charge of their health. “These initiatives focus on the future and contribute to pursuing preventive care. “Prevention is better than cure,” he adds, stressing the importance of patients being proactively involved in their healthcare.

The effect of patient centricity

So the patient wants to have a say and be involved, but does that also improve their treatment? What is the impact of increasing patient participation in healthcare, and on society more broadly? We can look at this at different levels, says Mitchell Silva, founder of the medical platform Esperiti. “However, the individual level is important. So when we involve the patient more, we notice that they have better health literacy. The better informed the patient is, the better they take their medications.”

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The future of patient centricity

In the future, there will be more personalized medicines, such as cell and gene therapy. Patient engagement is crucial from the beginning, Knobs says. “It would be a good idea for the government to make a plan for each disease. That way the patient also knows where they stand in that plan and what they can actually do.”

What if within a certain number of years we feel sick, or we actually get sick, and we enter a doctor’s office or hospital. What would healthcare provision look like? According to Dina De Haijk, CEO of the digital platform MedicicThis will be characterized by a shift towards more personalized care. During medical examinations, you see that doctors are no longer just judging a person’s ability to work, but are now involved in developing a tailored treatment plan.

“I envision an environment where it’s determined that when someone can’t do their job 100%, but they can, for example, do it part-time or in another temporary role.” According to De Heck, such an approach would make a valuable contribution. It allows people to stay active and maintain their self-esteem. “This is the best medicine,” says De Heck.

Would you like to delve deeper into this topic and find out exactly what it is all about, what can be gained, and what steps still need to be taken? Then listen or watch the full episode on us Spotify– Or Youtube-channel.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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