Piers Morgan ruthless for Britain’s Eurovision Song Contest: ‘That’s why we got zero points’

Britain’s Got Talent judge Piers Morgan has given his say on Britain’s entry into the Eurovision Song Contest. Many Britons blamed Brexit for the poor outcome, but according to Morgan, it has nothing to do with it.

Photo: AFP/Valerie McConne

British candidate James Newman finished last in the Eurovision Song Contest with his song “Embers”. Neither the professional jury nor the viewers gave him a single point. Many Britons attributed the disappointing outcome to Brexit, which would be a kind of signal of disapproval from Europe.

no revenge

Piers Morgan did not agree with that at all. “The UK didn’t get ‘zero points’ in the Eurovision Song Contest in retaliation for Brexit. We got ‘zero points’ because we had a great song, performed by a brulee singer who gave a great performance. Period,” the aged journalist wrote 56 years on Twitter.

I do not agree

The majority of his followers disagree. “The song wasn’t bad, it was good,” “I thought the song was catchy and had a positive message. Zero Points is simply Europe’s response to Brexit. They don’t want us to succeed,” Zephyr! It’s all about politics ”, apparently, among other things, in the reactions.

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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