Pink !, digital frequency plan, day and night modes – RadioVisie

little finger! Shows female influencers

in Pink! Targeting a female audience between the ages of 20 and 45, you’ll hear from female influencers throughout the day starting Monday, April 4 with current items, topics, and information. These are Aiko Vanparys (5,871 followers on Instagram and 7,465 followers on TikTok), Giana de Kat (17,900 followers on Instagram and 108,300 on TikTok) and Marcia Matthys (3,995 followers on Instagram and 176,300 on TikTok). ). In addition, there is also Sarah Layor, although – at least invisibly – she meets the profile of the influencer, but is professionally skilled in presentation and video engineer. Moreover, the podcasts “Seksklap” (Wednesday evening), “Taboebs” (Saturday morning) and PINK 50 (Saturday afternoon) will start. Starting April 11, Lennart Creël will be starting a full morning live group between 6 and 9 a.m.

Difficult start of the final frequency plan for domestic DAB +

Flemish Member of Parliament Wilfrid Vandele told Information Minister Benjamin Dahl Ask some written questions About the state of the frequency plan for the local and supra-local DAB + station. According to Dahl, negotiations with neighboring countries are starting slowly and are still premature. These negotiations will in principle take place with the other communities and the BIPT and will take place at the administrative level and are primarily of a very technical nature. There was already an initial exploratory consultation with the United Kingdom on November 23, 2021 and a meeting with Germany and France on February 17, 2022 and March 8, 2022 respectively, and a suitable date for consultation with the Netherlands is being sought. Some neighboring countries would like to seek global agreements on DAB + (modified) mutual frequency schemes, which could complicate and delay the process. It is too early to provide a more detailed report at this time. The final frequency plan can only come into effect after an agreement is reached with all parties involved,” says Daly.

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Netherlands: Acquisition of podcast publisher Dag en Nacht Media

Dag en Nacht Media, the largest podcast publisher in the Netherlands, has been acquired by Danish company Podimo. From now on, you will have to pay a fixed amount for the podcast. This is the bad news, but the good news is that a subscription costs only €5 per month, and you can listen to as many podcasts as you want. It’s also good news for podcast creators, because thanks to this extra income they can continue to work on quality podcasts. Although it remains to be seen what will be the key to the distribution, and how much tangible income they will receive from this transaction. (HVG)

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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