Placement of the first injection at the Komen-Waasten vaccination center: “The flight to Tournai has been saved” –

It started! At nine o’clock in the morning on Tuesday, the first vaccine was administered at the Komen Fasten Vaccination Center. More than 350 people will receive their first injection every day, to the satisfaction of both the municipal council and the residents. “I think we could hardly have set up a vaccination center here,” says clearly emotional Didier Sweet, who oversaw everything.

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The vaccination center’s arrival at the gymnasium at Le Bizet has been uncertain for a long time, due to the intertwining of regional procedures. Therefore, the municipality of Komenwästen withdrew all the stations to convince the government of the need for its own center in the border municipality. “And yes, I cannot hide the fact that I used my knowledge as a doctor for this purpose. When I can help more than 18,000 residents with that, I will not hesitate for a second.” This week Didier Sweet, who was the mayor until last week, supervised 1,600 vaccines, the installation and opening of the center and was also present on the first day of vaccination. He laughs: “I experience this as a very emotional moment.” “This is the only way we can protect our population and thanks to the center here, in our municipality, our people are saved with a trip to Tournai. Our people have done a great job. Today 350 vaccinations will be given and if we still have time, we will immediately contact people from a list.” Reserves. We don’t leave any vaccinations, we’re not wasting a minute. By the end of this week, we want to record 1,600 shots. “I’m not afraid of injections. The first person to receive an injection was Komenaar Bernard Kreus (74). “My wife had warned me that a lot of people would be here, so I came early,” seventy Brave jokes. “Am I afraid of the vaccine? but not! You know, I’m 74 this year and I’ve seen a lot. It is not a shot that will scare me. By the way, I have a few friends who are in a nursing home and have already received their vaccine. And all of them are in excellent health, so it shouldn’t cause much harm. ”City council hopes that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will soon be delivered. Didier Sweety concludes,“ This will be more than welcome to the center. ”Then we have more than enough stock for vaccinations. “Up to 8 people at the same time. The sooner they get their injection, the faster they are protected.”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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