“Positive Health” at Stadsdorp – Amstelveen Blog

Stadsdorp Elsrijk will hold a free meeting on the topic of positive health on Thursday 30 March (7.30pm). Jolanda Peper van Buurtclub Leefstijl talks about “positive health”. The meeting will take place on the 30th of March at the 138 Graf Albrechteln lock in Alsrek.

She addresses exactly what it means and how everyone can use it for their health, well-being and lifestyle.

Another theory

Positive health is another theory of health and disease. Health is no longer seen as the absence of disease, but rather as people’s ability to deal with the physical, emotional, and social challenges in life and to be in control as much as possible.

The subject meeting is the Buurtclub Leefstijl initiative in collaboration with the UitVOORzorg Working Group from Stadsdorp Elsrijk. Working groups are concerned with how seniors can prepare for a longer, independent, and enjoyable life at home in the sleigh.

For information about the meeting and to register for it, send an email to: [email protected]

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johan w. Bos has extensive experience in local and other journalism on radio, television, newspapers, magazines and the Internet.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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