Preventing a fall in Bagotnland | Press information

Falls are a common problem among the elderly population. Everyone knows someone who has fallen seriously or may have already fallen. One in three over 65 falls at least once a year. 33% of the elderly who live at home fall and among the elderly who live in a care center, more than 50% fall at least once a year.

Falling can have dire consequences

Falling can have disastrous consequences in various areas. Physical consequences such as fractures or sprains. Psychologically and socially, falling sometimes causes fear of falling and social isolation. The financial consequences of increased health care costs cannot be underestimated.

Although falls are often thought to be a part of aging, many falls can be prevented if the underlying risk factors are addressed.

10th Edition of Fall Prevention Week

The Expertise Center for Fall and Fracture Prevention in Flanders, along with Flemish logos, the Flemish Institute for Healthy Living and Local Prevention Services, is putting fall prevention in the spotlight. The tenth edition will take place from April 19 to April 25, 2021 and will feature the slogan (One Against All Against Falling). The campaign week aims to educate the elderly, their families and all healthcare and social care workers in Flanders.

“This year we are heading towards the best fall prevention county. Different provinces can compete against each other on the basis of a number of appointments. The winner can call themselves” Best Fall Prevention County “of the year,” says Bianca Vanreepinghen, a health prevention worker among Municipalities.

The focus of this procedure is on 4 areas: exercise (muscle strength, mobility, and balance), healthy nutrition (adequate calcium, vitamin D), a safe environment (good cycling and walking paths, adequate comfort seats, …) and appropriate shoes (flip-flops). Not very safe, soft soles, …).

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Local campaigns in April in the municipalities of Bever, Lennik, Herne, Gooik and Galmaarden

“In consultation with the inter-municipal health platform Pajottenland, we are focusing awareness-raising this year mainly on the elderly at home. We distribute fall prevention pads through home cleaning services, handyman services, service apartments, OCMW in-home contractors, and family care. A home falls prevention checklist and an educational brochure on medication use and the risk of falls for our elderly will also be distributed. Of course, we encourage our nursing homes to do something with the campaign, ”says Bianca Vanribingen.

Those who would like to know more about fall prevention can visit the website

Here you can also request free materials for your association, seniors’ council, nursing home,….

This procedure is part of a health municipality and will continue throughout April 2021.

Contacts for any questions:

Bianca Vanribingen

Pajottenland Municipal Health Prevention Service

0473/88 62 57

[email protected]

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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