Prime Minister de Croo: We feel the smallness of this natural force | severe weather

“We feel so young with this brute force of nature. We have seen horrific pictures.” That’s what Prime Minister Alexandre de Croo (Open Vld) said when he had to answer questions in Parliament about the storm. Flemish Mobility and Public Works Minister Lydia Peters (Open Vld) speaks of a “huge emergency”. The federal phase of the contingency plan has now begun.


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“There is a lot of human suffering, including people who see their whole life’s work washed away in a few minutes by water,” continues de Croo. “What we’re seeing here today is something we haven’t seen in decades.”

“I don’t want to prejudge the scientific analysis that needs to be done. But the UN Climate Panel has repeatedly indicated that extreme weather events, whether extreme drought or extreme precipitation, will become more common. But the focus today is one hundred percent on saving people and families. “.

“tracking problems”

Flemish Minister for Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peters (Open Vld) spoke of a “huge emergency”: “The situation is causing a lot of human misery but also causing problems on the railways, including in Liege. There are a lot of problems and we hope things will improve.” as soon as possible “.

Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peters (Open Vld). © BELGA

international aid

Home Secretary Annelies Verlinden (CD&V) said that assistance, such as boats and helicopters, is being called in from France, Austria, Luxembourg, Italy and possibly Germany.

“Our thoughts go to the victims, their families and their friends. Fortunately, the commitment and solidarity are very high, but this is not enough to face the inconvenience. The situation remains precarious. The human suffering and material damage will be especially severe,” Verlinden said.

King Philip and Minister Verlinden will visit the affected areas this afternoon.

Prime Minister Alexandre de Croo.

Prime Minister Alexandre de Croo. © BELGA

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Denton Watson

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