Republican opponents of Trump want a new party …

Dozens of former Republican Party members are working to create a new center-right political party. They do so because they see Republicans not wanting to take action against former President Donald Trump, who they see as an extremist threatening the party’s survival. That reports the Reuters news agency.

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The initiators include former Republican politicians and Republican employees of Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, George W. Bush and Trump, former Republican ambassadors and party strategists.

More than 120 of them met online last Friday to discuss the split. The new movement must operate according to the “principle of conservatism.” This includes upholding the constitution and the rule of law – ideas that, according to those concerned, Trump sent to the trash. The party will allow candidates to participate in certain races and also support center-right candidates in other elections.

To block

Conversation participants said they were particularly shocked that more than half of Republicans in Congress, 8 members of the Senate and 139 members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted just hours after the Capitol blockade and Joe Biden’s election victory.

Former Republican Evan McMullen, who played a prominent role in the House of Representatives in the past, is one of the initiators: “Large sections of the Republican Party are working to radicalize and threaten American democracy. The party must refocus on truth, reason, and its traditional ideals.”

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“These losers left the Republican Party when they voted for Joe Biden,” a Trump spokesman responded to the news. The Republican Party responded by referring to a previous statement by President Rona McDaniel: “If we continue to attack each other and continue to focus on attacking our fellow Republicans, if we disagree within the party, we lose (the 2022 election).”

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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